The Saddest People Are the Funny People

Have you ever noticed that the funniest people are often secretly sad?

To truly laugh, y'all must exist able to take your hurting and play with it.

– Charlie Chaplin

Comedians like Robin Williams, Ellen DeGeneres, Stephen Fry, Jim Carrey and Woody Allen are some of the funniest people we know. They brand all of us laugh, only there is a darker side to their humor. All of the above have suffered from mental wellness problems such equally depression and bipolar disorder, sometimes with fatal furnishings.

Of course, not all comedians are depressed, whatever more than than all poets or musicians are, but there does seem to exist a link between these means of expressing emotions and a darker core of despair.

Then what is the link between humor and low and what can we do to help our funniest friends?

Humor tin can accept several psychological benefits, but some of these come up with a downside.

1. Being funny can aid us fit in

The serenity guy in grade who has no friends makes a joke and suddenly he is the center of attending. He continues to make people laugh and finds his place with his peers, giving him a sense of belonging he has never experienced before.

The downside is that this can get such a strong part of a person's character that they find information technology impossible to reveal their true feelings and ask for assist if they need information technology. Ultimately, they fear that their less funny self will be rejected.

2. Being funny can mask our pain

Humor can be used as a mask that shields both the wearer and those around them, from the pain underneath. Humor tin be a defense force mechanism, protecting the comedians from the intrusion of others and convincing both themselves and others that everything is okay. However, using humor in this way avoids the need to really address the underlying depression or hurting.

three. Being funny can distract u.s.

Making others laugh feels skillful and and so it tin can distract funny guys and girls and offering a few moments of relief from home on their inner torment. When the focus turns outward, they tin can avoid the pain of turning in and then sense of humour can provide an escape from inner problems. Once again, though, using humour in this fashion tin can be dysfunctional because it avoids looking at the root crusade of the depression or hurting.

Even so, humor is not always used in a dysfunctional way, it can have positive physical and psychological benefits, too.

i. Humor can help us feel less alone

When a crowd laughs at a comedian there is a sense of a shared story a, 'yes, I feel that way and I didn't know others felt that style too'. This can help both the comedian and the audience feel a sense of belonging.

two. Sense of humour combats fear

By changing perspectives, humor can challenge the things we are agape of, bringing them into the low-cal and making us feel more able to deal with them. When we look at our fears in a new fashion, they seem lighter, maybe even ridiculous. This is why so much humor has a darker element: if nosotros tin can express mirth at life'south difficulties, we can release the fright and feel more able to cope.

iii. Humor reduces hurting

In an commodity published in American Fitness, Dave Traynor, Yard.Ed, director of health teaching at Natchaug Hospital in Mansfield Center, states: "After surgery, patients were told ane-liners prior to assistants of potentially painful medication. The patients exposed to humor perceived less pain as compared to patients who didn't receive humor stimuli."

4. Sense of humor boosts the immune system

In 2006, researchers led by Lee Berk and Stanley A. Tan at Loma Linda University in Colina Linda, California, found that and human growth hormone, which helps with immunity, increased past 87 percent when volunteers anticipated watching a humorous video.

v. Humor reduces stress

Laughing switches on the parasympathetic nervous system, the contrary of the fight or flight response. Neurochemicals such as endorphins are released relaxing the body. In addition, stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are reduced.

So humor has real benefits to our health and well-beingness, but it can be used as a way to avert dealing with deeper emotional bug. And then, by all means, enjoy a good laugh as often every bit you lot can to reduce stress and promote a healthy immune system.

But keep an eye on the funniest people in your life who seem to have a coercion to brand others express mirth. Make certain they know you lot are happy to share the deeper feelings backside their comic mask.


  1. Psychology Today
  2. Elite Daily
  3. Psych Central

Image: John J. Kruzel / American Forces Printing Service via WikiCommons

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